Monday, June 19, 2006

Bested by a baby

Point! Love! Match! Set! or is it Love! Match! Set! Game! Whatever. Tennis is a boring sport anyhow. The point being, the baby has won this round. We started off the "getting Amelia to sleep all night in her crib" experiment with her only getting up a few times during the night and not struggling too much in getting put back to sleep in her crib. Instead of getting better and easier each night, she got worse and worse until on Saturday night she (and we) slept for about 4 hours. And not all at once.

The hardcore sleep deprivation experiment resulted in Andre nearly dragging me to my death in the minivan as he "got confused" when we were loading the car after dim sum and started to drive off while I was half in the back door buckling Amelia in. Then he nearly rear-ended a whole line of cars when we tried to get on the freeway. I didn't come close to accidently killing anyone, but I was extremely testy and snapped at everyone who got close to me.

So, last night, when Amelia woke up for the second time at 11:30, I blearily threw in the towel at the whole damn project and brought her into bed with me. She snuggled in, nursed a while, then went easily to sleep. I'm not going to lie, it still wasn't a fabulous night's sleep, but at least I got about six or seven hours of sleeping in. She didn't wake up to play Professional Wrestling until almost 6:45.

I don't really know how to proceed after this. I guess I'll try getting her back to sleep in her crib after her usual 11:30 pm wakeup and then when/if she wakes up after that, bring her into bed. I don't want to risk any more lives doing it the other way.