Friday, March 31, 2006


The pictures from the Great TV Computer Fry of 2006 are safe. Everything seems to be in working order except the motherboard which Andre had to replace. I have come to discover during the GTCF of 2006 that I really know nothing about computers despite being married to a computer geek and having been raised by a computer geek. As Andre was putting the computer back together and found the pictures were OK, I said with great relief, "Phew! So the memory didn't fry along with the motherboard?" He looked at me like I was a complete moron and said, "Uh, yeah, but the pictures aren't stored in the memory, they're stored on the hard drive." I shot back with a witty, "So why do they call it memory then, huh? Huh?" And he disdainfully began to try to explain what each part of a computer does. My eyes instantly glazed over, as they apparently have been doing ever since my dad started giving me the same lecture 20-odd years ago.

Truth be told, as long as I can talk to my computer friends with the magic box attached to the TV, I really don't want to know how it works. This body can only handle so much geekery. I will play Star Wars trivial pursuit, I will not retain the difference between memory and hard drive. I can't help it. Don't lecture me. And stop sighing with exasperation, you know you're doing it.