Sunday, January 22, 2006

So damn proud of those boys

The Seahawks are Superbowl bound and I am just overjoyed. Those guys have worked their tails off this year. Andre and I have been sitting here in our 12th man gear just cheering them on all day. Woohoooo! Superbowl baby!

Ok, well, that's what I would be saying if we were actually football fans. Actually, this is an unedited transcript of a conversation that took place on our couch just moments ago:

Andre: [Flips on the news after watching Grey's Anatomy.] Huh! Looks like the Seahawks won.
Tavia: They did?
Andre: Yep.
Tavia: Huh!
Andre: What does the 12th Man thing mean?
Tavia: I don't know, we should Google it.
Andre: [Watching the seemingly never-ending news coverage of the win.] Matt Hasselbeck plays for the Seahawks?
Tavia: You didn't know that? Even I knew that.
Andre: Isn't he married to Elizabeth from Survivor?
Tavia: Yeah*. She's on the View now.
Andre: Huh!

*Edited to add that even this little tidbit isn't true. Elizabeth from Survivor is married to Tim Hasselbeck who plays for the NY Giants. Matt is Tim's brother. Huh!