Sunday, January 01, 2006

2005 resolutions in review

These weren't supposed to be resolutions per se, just "reminders to myself." Let's see how I did, shall we?
  • Don't drink so damn much soda or you'll gain 60 pounds and be an enormous whale for your 10th college reunion.
I ended up gaining 55 pounds when I was pregnant with Amelia - same as with Fiona. I don't think it had much to do with soda though since I went through a major sparkling water craving. I think it had a lot more to do with all those delicious frappucinos that Starbucks kept making for me, the bastards.
  • If you cleaned a little every day instead of waiting until the house was a sty and trying to do it all on the weekends, you might actually enjoy your weekends.
Why is this so difficult for me? I hate cleaning. I've found that if the house is really clean I can maintain it for a while, but if it's messy to start with I just can't rectify it and it gets worse.
  • One game of Candyland or Hi Ho Cherry-oh might be painful, but won't actually kill you.
I still hate Candyland and Hi Ho Cherry-oh. But I do play more with Fiona. I'd rather play pretend with her or make a craft with her or something than play those godawful games.
  • Hiring a babysitter could be a very good thing.
We did manage to get out a few times before Amelia was born, only a couple of times since then. Now that she's eating more solids it will be easier to get out again. Especially now that the grandparents are in town! Whoo hoo free childcare!
  • Bringing lunch to work once in a while might actually save you a load of cash. And if you quit buying mochas too you could save $50 a week. Enough for a babysitter and a movie!
Um yeah, I was terrible about this when I was working downtown. And now I miss it so. Oh delicious Ethiopian and Indian buffet and falafel and turkey pesto sandwiches, I long for you every day while I'm eating grilled cheese with Fiona.
  • Putting the laundry away after you fold it mght be painful, but won't actually kill you. Plus, you won't have to walk around naked in the cold house in the morning wondering which basket might have clean underpants.
Um yeah, I still suck at this. I HATE folding laundry.
  • A budget and Quicken - messy bills and accounts make you crazy and you know it.
This one is Andre's fault. He won't let me buy Quicken because he claims to have a mythical place online where he can get it "practically free with rebates" yet it never materializes in our house. I'm totally buying it if I don't have a copy by February.
  • Try to decide on a name before the kid is born.
Check! We totally did this. I still like Josephine though.
  • Clean out the garage. Please. I'm begging you.
Andre did this! Well, enough that we can actually fit a minivan in the garage. It's like a little slice of heaven on earth.