Thursday, October 06, 2005

Huh? Whuh?

It's a little late, but I think this whole baby business is finally catching up with me in the exhaustion department. Amelia's been a relatively good sleeper from the start, sleeping in 3-4 hour spurts most nights, a little gentle fussing and squirming when she wakes us, quick to fall back asleep again. The past couple of weeks though she's been waking up more frequently during the night and has decided that the proper time for little babies to get up for good is 6:00 am. She'll lie there and wiggle, kick me in the stomach a few times like a jackrabbit, and then start talking about how lovely the day is, "Ahhhhhhh! Eeeeeeeee! Ahhhhhh?" When I finally stop playing possum and open my eyes, she gives me a huge grin and gets all excited that I'm actually awake.


I can't remember the last night I had an uninterrupted sleep. A year ago, maybe? When I was pregnant I was up every single night at least once to pee or to kick Andre for snoring too loud or just to stare at the clock in dread of going to work in the morning. Wouldn't it be just glorious to sleep for say, 8 hours, all at once? Even 7. Seven would be good. Heck, I'd even for pay for 6 solid hours.

So I'm feeling a little discombobulated now. Still feeling lucky that I don't have one of the babies that gets up every couple of hours and screams, of course. I don't think I have that much to complain about or anything. It could definitely be worse.

Zzzzzz... Huh? What was I saying?

I did notice something that disturbed me today though. Apparently I've unwittingly adopted the uniform of the preschool mother. When I was picking up Fiona from school today I looked around and over half of the other moms were wearing jeans and a black shirt. Maybe they've seen me wear this outfit every single day for the last two weeks (not the same shirt every day, I'm not that hard up) and they think I'm so cool that they all want to dress like me. The other half was wearing yoga pants and athletic shoes, but I'm pretty sure they weren't doing anything more athletic than rolling out of bed before school. Maybe I'll have to look into those yoga pants.