Sunday, September 11, 2005

Fiona funnies

Heard in suburbia:

Fiona: Mama, can I play with my ball tent sometime?
Me: Sure, we'll get it out of the garage.
Fiona: But where is my ball sack?
Me: ...Muffled laughter...

Fiona: My name is Rainbow now, don't call me Fiona.
Me: OK then my name is Mommy Happiness. You have to call me that.
Fiona: What should Daddy's name be?
Me: I don't know, what do you want your name to be?
Andre: Bunco.
Me: And what should we call the baby?
Fiona: I know, how about "Meat!"

Fiona: F is for Fionina
Me: Fionina?
Fiona: That's what Chubby used to call me at school.
Me: Chubby?
Fiona: Yeah, she didn't even know my real name!
Me: Who is Chubby?
Fiona: You know, Chubby! From my old school.
Me: Ohhhhh, Shelby.
Fiona: No Mama, her name was Chubby.