Negative five...
Still pregnant. So tired. Fiona has chosen this opportunity to start waking up in the middle of the night and Ellis the cat is taking this opportunity to wake her up at the crack of dawn every morning (well, OK, 7 am but it FEELS earlier). I don't know what to do about either one. I think the middle of the night wake up last night was directly related to the Shark Boy and Lava Girl preview we saw yesterday. Fiona is afraid her teeth are going to turn into shark teeth now. Before she went to sleep last night she called me back into the room to tell me that her teeth were "sharp in the back." As for the cat, I have no idea how to keep him out of her room. She's afraid to sleep with the door closed and he's way too big to be stopped by anything so trivial as a baby gate. Stupid cat.
Thank goodness for naps. I'm loving the naps.
Thank goodness for naps. I'm loving the naps.
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