Saturday, August 28, 2004


So I've found an interesting theory as to why that jerk you hate in the next cubicle is climbing the corporate ladder so quickly. It's because he's a psychopath. No wonder everyone let our company president win the goat race. They didn't want to get chopped to death with a hacksaw or something.

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Guess who I saw at the store yesterday. Guess! You'll never guess. Santa Claus. Yes my friends, Christmas arrives early in the retail world. Santa was here for a photo shoot on the roof of our parking garage. I asked him to make sure I had lots of nice presents under the tree this year, but he just sort of ignored me and went back to the shoot. Santa has developed into a bit of a prima donna apparently. The holidays are in the air already. Christmas decorations will be up for sale in less than a month. Someone in the elevator was talking to her husband about making sure they got the kids' Christmas lists early this year. Certain ladies who will remain nameless (*cough* HG! *cough* Kelley! *cough* Diva!) have started a Christmas planning blog (with some yummy sounding recipes, but I digress). Slow down world! At least wait until after Labor Day and let me enjoy the rest of my summer before you start me freaking about getting the shopping and baking done.

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To the angry letter writing customer,
Please do not enter any more of our essay contests if you can't handle losing. The rules did not say that "Everyone will be judged on sincerity, creativity and adherance to the contest rules EXCEPT JANE SMITH. JANE AUTOMATICALLY WINS." I'm puzzled about why you entered at all if you have a problem with a contest "that pits customer against customer." I doubt that you would have written this letter if you had won. That makes you a hypocrite. Sending a copy of the letter to the president of our archrival store was a nice touch, I can appreciate that. But really, I don't understand why you're angry with us. You did know it was an essay contest, right? You do understand what a contest is, right? Whatever, I'm done with you.

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Upon re-reading the above note to the sore loser, I've come to the conclusion that my job is turning me into a misanthrope. I used to like people. Now I'm just about ready to start posting No Trespassing signs and shouting "Keep off the grass!" to rascally neighbor kids. I really need to find a new job. One that doesn't involve quite so much face to face contact with the general public. Because you know what, general public? You kind of suck sometimes. See? I can't stop myself. I'm about six months away from turning into a complete jerk. Hey, maybe I'll turn into a psychopath and I'll get a corner office after all!