Long weekend, yahoo! As per usual, it's a cloudy, drizzly fourth of July weekend. I think it's a law up here. Every single 4th since we've moved here, it's rained. Oh well, all the better to put out any fires we may cause with illegal fireworks, right?
Fiona is wearing her Easter dress while watching Lady and the Tramp. She asked to put it on as soon as I went in to get her out of bed this morning. I don't know where this girly girl came from; she likes to wear skirts and dresses whenever I'll let her. She certainly didn't get it from me. Last weekend, she put on two dresses on on top of the other, mastering the layered look at such a young age. She's been dying for a pair of ruby slippers and begs for them whenever we go to Target. I'd get them for her, but I know she'd want to wear them to school everyday and would have major tantrums if we didn't let her. She consoles herself by wearing her patent leather Christmas shoes to play in the front yard.
We have a major weed problem. No, not the wacky tabaccy! Weeds as in annoying backyard plants that are trying to take over the world. Per our neighbors, the last owners of the house weren't much for the yardwork. When they put the house on the market, they simply covered up the weeds in the backyard by covering everything in a foot of bark. Then the house sat empty for a full summer and the weeds popped through and made more little baby weeds. We spent all last Sunday pulling them and filled up 5 yard waste bags as well as our yard waste container. We found three ornamental evergreens, four rhododendrons, a tea rose, some sort of ornamental shrub, and four dead bushes that didn't quite pull through the weed infestation. We're not even a third of the way through the yard yet. It will be interesting to see what else pops up back there.
Lady and the Tramp is kind of a boring movie. Why did I love it so when I was little? Same goes for Fox and the Hound. Fiona refuses to watch Little Mermaid or Aladdin or any movie with the songs I love to sing. She's too scared of the villains. Damn you Jafar and Ursula!
Long weekend, yahoo! As per usual, it's a cloudy, drizzly fourth of July weekend. I think it's a law up here. Every single 4th since we've moved here, it's rained. Oh well, all the better to put out any fires we may cause with illegal fireworks, right?
Fiona is wearing her Easter dress while watching Lady and the Tramp. She asked to put it on as soon as I went in to get her out of bed this morning. I don't know where this girly girl came from; she likes to wear skirts and dresses whenever I'll let her. She certainly didn't get it from me. Last weekend, she put on two dresses on on top of the other, mastering the layered look at such a young age. She's been dying for a pair of ruby slippers and begs for them whenever we go to Target. I'd get them for her, but I know she'd want to wear them to school everyday and would have major tantrums if we didn't let her. She consoles herself by wearing her patent leather Christmas shoes to play in the front yard.
We have a major weed problem. No, not the wacky tabaccy! Weeds as in annoying backyard plants that are trying to take over the world. Per our neighbors, the last owners of the house weren't much for the yardwork. When they put the house on the market, they simply covered up the weeds in the backyard by covering everything in a foot of bark. Then the house sat empty for a full summer and the weeds popped through and made more little baby weeds. We spent all last Sunday pulling them and filled up 5 yard waste bags as well as our yard waste container. We found three ornamental evergreens, four rhododendrons, a tea rose, some sort of ornamental shrub, and four dead bushes that didn't quite pull through the weed infestation. We're not even a third of the way through the yard yet. It will be interesting to see what else pops up back there.
Lady and the Tramp is kind of a boring movie. Why did I love it so when I was little? Same goes for Fox and the Hound. Fiona refuses to watch Little Mermaid or Aladdin or any movie with the songs I love to sing. She's too scared of the villains. Damn you Jafar and Ursula!
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