We're almost, almost totally out of the old house. We have a couple of loads to take to the dump, a load or two to go to charity, and a couple more to bring back here. I'm not sure where exactly we'll put the last couple of loads coming here since our entire garage is stuffed to the brim. We can't even walk in there let alone put more stuff in. The problem being that the bottom floor isn't carpeted yet so we have all of the stuff that goes there in the living room and the garage. We haven't painted the bedrooms yet so we don't have all of that stuff up there yet and that's in the garage too. We didn't have enough time for a garage sale so that stuff is, you guessed it, in the garage. All in all I love the house. The garage is freaking me out though. How is all of that going to fit in the house? We have too much stuff.
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