So Fiona's sporting a nice shiner right now and looks like an abused child. She was holding her bottle of Flinstones vitamins begging to have one while climbing up the side of a dining room chair. She slipped off the rung of the chair and hit her head on the arm of another chair and smacked herself in the eye with the vitamin bottle. She wanted a bandaid, but it's a little difficult to bandage an eyelid. I put one on her hand instead and she was happy with that. The swelling is down today but it turned a lovely shade of brownish yellow.
We've finally, I think, decided on paint colors for the inside of the house. If the escrow company ever calls us to sign the papers we should have our keys by the end of the week! Yay! We're going to have a three day painting extravaganza this weekend and will hopefully finish everything up so that we can move in right after we get back from California/New Hampshire.
We've finally, I think, decided on paint colors for the inside of the house. If the escrow company ever calls us to sign the papers we should have our keys by the end of the week! Yay! We're going to have a three day painting extravaganza this weekend and will hopefully finish everything up so that we can move in right after we get back from California/New Hampshire.
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